Hello Families!
Well it was supposed to be Garden Snails this week but on my neighborhood walks I have been noticing the trees doing some amazing things, and I thought that it would be a good time to focus our attention on the trees. Like us they are stuck where they are and there they must thrive. 1- Activities for beginning the day, winding down, resting, and reflecting: Tree Hugging game from the "Forest School Adventure: Outdoor Skills and Play for Children" This game is so fun and requires calm awareness. It is a great way to begin the day and get their creativity stirring. - Take your kiddo to where there are some trees. Have no fear if you don't have any. If push comes to shove you could just use things around your house. - Make sure they can't see and then lead them to a tree - Lead their hands to the bark and then let them explore the bark with their hands, noticing all the details - Lead them back to where they started, spin them around real well and then have them go and find the tree that they touched, seeing if they can notice the qualities they experienced blind Sit Spot turned "Lay Spot" This time at their sit spots, have them lay on the ground so that they can notice and describe the branches and how they leave the trunk of the tree. It is a good moment to read aloud a poem or a create a spring story telling. 2- Activities to inspire, foster focus, and allow for motion: "Leaf Printing" from "Forest School Adventure: Outdoor Skills and Play for Children" - Find some scrap fabric or paper towel - Find some green leaves and Flowers - Lay them under the cloth of choice - Take a hammer, and smash the cloth and see what prints come through! "Acorn Hide- and-Seek" from "Play the Forest School Way" Turns out a lot of our trees out there in nature are pantry thanks to squirrels. In the chills of Winter the squirrels get tunnel-visioned about building stores of food by choosing random locations to hide their little bites..and then they forget where some of it ended up. Silly Squirrels. - Pretend your little one is a squirrel, and have them hide 10 nuts out in the yard. - Encourage them to devise a way of remembering WHERE - Then go for a walk, and look at the trees, see where there are buds, and where the flowers are in bloom - Then when they come back, get them to try and find where they put all 10 nuts. 3. Woodland Mapping - Find a whole PILE of sticks - Help your kiddo to make a circle and then have them divide into the 4 directions: North, East, South, and West. - Go off into each of those areas by putting heels to the edge of the circle and then walk forward in that direction - Bring back treasures from that direction and set it in that slice of the circle I hope that you are all doing great, and let me know if you have any questions, We are in this together, we will endure! Take Care, Robin Comments are closed.
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