Robin Cockrel
Co-Founder & Nature Immersion Educator - Tanglewood After School Program &
Taking Root & Family Nature Play Class
Robin Cockrel is a proud resident of Bremerton, a stay-at-home mom, and an educator with a passion for the outdoors, early childhood development and engaging with people. Robin moved from Canada with her Bachelor’s degree six years ago and worked as a special education para-educator and a swimming instructor at the YMCA. As her love for teaching and community grew Robin became a lead preschool teacher with KCR where she spent three years engaging with a diverse group of learning abilities and cultural backgrounds. She also worked with "READY! for Kindergarten," a program giving parents and children tools for Kindergarten readiness. After extensive research on early childhood development and forest preschools, Robin proposed an outdoor nature preschool in Bremerton to her community. And now her dream—Barnacles & Bees—is becoming reality: an affordable preschool for the community she loves, where spontaneous unstructured play pedagogy meets the great outdoors.